Repair + Soothe Paper Mask 10pcs | |
Price: Contact Us | Item # EN08 |
Product Description | |
Benefits: Instant calming effect to tired, smooths distressed skin. Vitamin B5 helps to keep skin soft, smooth, and healthy, It also has an anti-inflammatory effect that can help stimulate your skin's healing processes. Deeply hydrating, it helps to keep skin quenched by absorbing moisture from the air. 功效:深層補水、鎮靜、滋養和撫平受損肌膚。 它是乾燥、脫水皮膚的完美解毒劑; 它的配方可恢復粗糙、緊緻的膚色,達到柔軟和柔軟的效果,為肌膚提供全面呵護。 |